
Philips and Hards, P.C.

Welcome and thank you for visiting the website of Philips and Hards, P.C.

In addition to providing you with a profile of our firm and services, this website has been designed to become a helpful resource tool for our valued clients and visitors.   We endeavor to provide the highest quality professional services and guidance.  The NEWSLETTER section has informative news and timely articles;  interactive financial calculators and decision tree recommendations in the TOOLS section.   In the LINKS section, we have provided links to external websites that we believe are of benefit and interest.

Please reach out to staff by direct email link under the CONTACTS section.   We try to be proactive and responsive to all clients' inquiries.

Philips and Hards, P.C. 

Member of American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Colorado Society of CPAs

Main Office: 970-247-1080